
Verena Haertle, Head of People Development, RATIONAL, 12/2023

Diversity & Inclusion konsequent aus der Business Perspektive zu denken hat uns bei RATIONAL geholfen, einen breiten und ganzheitlichen Blick auf das Thema zu erhalten. Damit entsteht ein neues Bewusstsein und eine deutliche Offenheit auf allen Managementebenen, sich aktiv an der Kulturentwicklung zu beteiligen. Mit seinem kritischen Blick, strategischer Weitsicht und seiner angenehmen Art begleitet […]

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Bonnie Tully, President North America Region , Evonik Corporation, 10/2022

We found the Inclusive Leadership Journey a valuable experience (as) it made us recognize we all have biases, and allowed us to reflect on this truth. Then, the Leadership Journey process gave us a format to create an actionable plan (as) we accept there is no quick fix when it comes to organizational culture change. […]

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Bayer MaterialScience | Dr. Tony van Osselaer, Executive Committee Member, 2013

Michael Stuber has contributed to develop a very specific Bayer MaterialScience storyline, which integrates Diversity & Inclusion as a business imperative supporting the execution of our business strategy. Through his experience in rolling out Diversity & Inclusion programs in global companies, he has been and is a valuable sparring partner with high credibility for our […]

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Airbus Group | Suzanne Lewis, Head D&I, 06/2014

European Diversity provided us with insightful and professional support in the consolidation of our new Diversity and inclusion strategy. Their experience and proactive, holistic approach helped us to take a different look at how we do things, and build a solid business-value driven approach to reinforce our relationships with the stakeholders and position D & […]

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Jansen Supply Chain (Johnson & Johnson) | Ellen Driesen, HR Director, 03/2017

Michael Stuber is a passionate guide and role model in the space of diversity and inclusion. We first worked under his guidance on a bottom-up approach in which we engaged our supply chain operator population in a dialogue. Based on this population’s feedback, the need was very clear to create greater awareness around the topic […]

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Arup Ireland | D&I Team, 10/2017

Michael Stuber worked with us at Arup Ireland to review our current D&I programme. We found Michael to be insightful, organised and very knowledgeable. Michael’s great strength lies in his face-to-face communication skills and his ability to communicate complex D&I topics to any audience. Michael is able to quickly pick up on themes and underlying […]

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HSBC | Virma Sokmen, Head of CMB HSBC Turkey, 12/2012

At HSBC, D&I is a business-lead initiative and as a pan-European committee of managers we were glad to have European Diversity’s external perspective and input. Michael Stuber’s business acumen and his striving for individual solutions helped to advance the regional D&I agenda taking into account business and country needs. We look forward to continue our […]

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Bayer MaterialScience | Maud Wiedemann & Dr. Christine Mendoza-Frohn, Tandem lead of the global Diversity & Inclusion Initiative, 2012-2013

We highly appreciate Michael Stuber being an integral member of our Diversity & Inclusion core team at Bayer MaterialScience. From the beginning of our cooperation, he has been listening to the status achieved so far and contributed with his broad experience and as a knowledgeable subject matter expert. He supports our initiative with high customer-orientation […]

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Global D&I Congress | Nina Woodard, Conference Chair, 03/20217

I had the privilege of working with Michael as a part of the World HRD Congress 25th Anniversary Diversity and Inclusion program.  Michael prepared a special kick off program for the event that was very inspirational and helped us start the day on the right note. His fact based insights are very impactful and an […]

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BayWa r.e. | Céline Tran, MD France & Global DEI Sponsor, 12/2021

Michael hat uns maßgeblich bei der Weiterentwicklung von DEI unterstützt. Seine Erfahrung und sein Wissen in Verbindung mit einer sehr klaren Art, Überlegungen und Empfehlungen auszudrücken, haben sich als äußerst wertvoll für die Ausarbeitung unserer DEI-Strategie und unserer Aktionspläne wie auch für die Vorbereitung von Gesprächen mit der Unternehmensleitung erwiesen. Seine Anstrengungen, die Organisation und […]

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